
[1] Experimental Investigation of Electron Cooling and Stacking of Lead Ions in a Low Energy Accumulation Ring.
J.Bosser, C.Carli, M.Chanel, C.Hill, A.Lombardi, R.Maccaferri, S.Maury, D.Mohl, G.Molinari, S.Rossi, E.Tanke, G.Tranquille and V.Vretenar.
Particle Accelerator, Vol. 63.pp171-210.

[2] Beam accumulation with the SIS electron cooler.
M.Steck, L.Groening, K.Blashe, B.Franzak, B.Franzke, T.Winlkler, V.V.Parkhomchuck.
NIMA 441(2000) 175-182.

[3] LEIR Electron Cooler Conceptual Study.
J.Bosser, C.Dimopoulou, G.Tranquille.
PS/BD/Note 2001-017.

[4] A high perveance electron gun for the electron cooling.
A.N.Sharapa, A.V.Grudiev, D.G.Myakishev, A.V.Shemyakin.
NIMA 406(1998) 169-171.

[5] General parameters of the high perveance gun for the LEIR electron cooler.
CERN/PS/2002-004 (BD)

[6a] The hollow Electron beam. The new opportunities in electron cooling.
A.V.Ivanov, V.V.Parkhomchuk, B.N.Sukhina, M.A.Tiunov.
Proceedings of the 2001 Ecool workshop held at Bad-Honef.
[6b] The electron gun with variable beam profile for optimized electron cooling.
V.V.Parkhomchuk et al.
Submitted to EPAC (Paris, June 2002)

[7] Specifications of the LEIR electron cooler magnetic components.
J.Bosser, V.Prieto, G.Tranquille.
PS/BD/Note 2001-018.

[8] Technical Specification for the Design, Construction, Test and Delivery of an Electron Collector to be used on the "LEAR" electron cooler.
PS/AR/Spec 89-1

[9] Technical Design of the LEIR Vacuum System.
LHC-VAC/EM Note 2002-04